I stole this title from a lesser-known work by Nietzsche called The Uses of History for Life. Philosophy, while having many possible uses, should be aimed primarily at helping us live better. In this series, I apply various philosophical approaches to understanding the challenges all humans face. Appealing to the thoughts and techniques of thinkers throughout history, I hope to provide some pointers and tools that can be applied to help us in our day to day existence.
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The Well Formed Mind
The first in a series of lectures by Wesley Cecil PhD. that explores the application of philosophical thinking to daily life. The first lectures explores WHY we need philosophy to helps us think.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
This lecture explores the concept of Freedom as an example of how to think about core ideas in a philosophical matter. The life of Martin Luther King jr. is used as an exemplar of different types of freedom and how they can be achieved. Delivered by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
The third lecture by Wesley Cecil PhD. in the Uses of Philosophy for Living series explores the concept of friendship and our current struggles with establishing and maintaining close friends. Delivered at Peninsula College.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
The Accursed Share
The fourth lecture in Wesley Cecil's Uses of Philosophy series. This lecture explores the problems we encounter in a culture that has overwhelming material abundance and a cultural imperative to desire more of everything all the time.
Lecture delivered by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College. The fifth lecture in the Uses for Philosophy for Living series explores our relationship to health in contemporary American society.
The end of History
A lecture delivered by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College exploring the application of philosophy to understanding and responding to current affairs.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
This lecture explores the definition, history and challenges associated with courage. Why aren't we more courageous? How does courage help us anyway? When is courage foolhardy? Aristotle felt it was the most important of the virtues.
Wisdom and Beauty
The penultimate lecture in my Uses of Philosophy for living series explores our cultural struggle to embrace wisdom and beauty as central concepts in our lives.
The concluding lecture in the Uses of Philosophy for Living series explores our relationship to death and the philosophical implications of different approaches to death. Presented by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College.