I conceived of this series as a review of modern philosophers based on their influence. Any such list is arguable, but these are without doubt some of the most significant thinkers of the last 150 years. In coming to grips with their lives and thought I hope to convey a sense of both why they are influential and the origins of their ideas.
Friedrich Nietzsche's Life and Philosophy
A lecture delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil Ph.D. on the life and philosophy of Nietzsche.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Betrand Russell Life and Philosophy
A lecture delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil Ph.D. on the life and Philsophy of Bertrand Russell.
Wittgenstein His Life and Philosophy
A lecture covering the life and philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
William James His Life and Philosophy
A lecture delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil Ph.D. on the the life and philosophy of William James. Part of the Modern Philosophers lecture series.
Heidegger His Life and Philosophy
A lecture delivered at Peninsula College as part of the Modern Philosophers series by Wesley Cecil, Ph.D.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Jean-Paul Sartre His Life and Philosophy
A lecture on Jean-Paul Sartre delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil, Ph.D. Part of the Modern Philosophers lecture series.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Simone de Beauvoir Her Life and Philosophy
A lecture delivered at Peninsula College on the Life and Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir by Wesley Cecil, Ph.D. Part of the Modern Philosophers lecture series.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Karl Marx Life and Philosophy
A lecture on the life and philosophy of Karl Marx delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil, Ph.D.
Simone Weil Her Life and Philosophy
A lecture delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil Ph.D. on the life and works of Simone Weil. Part of the Modern Philosophers lecture series
Derrida His Life and Philosophy
A lecture delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil, Ph.D. on the life and philosophy of Jacques Derrida. Part of the Modern Philosophers lecture series.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
The Pre-Socratic Philosophers
A lecture on the early Greek philosophers focusing on Pythagoras and the Miletians. Presented at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil, Ph.D. Part of the Greeks and Romans philosophy series.
Epicurus Life and Philosophy
The life and philosophy of Epicurs. A lecture delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil, Ph.D. Part of the ancient philosophers lecture series.