This series was by far the most challenging - but also rewarding for me. Nicholas Ostler's excellent book Empires of the Word suggested that much insight could be gained from looking at history not through the lens of geography, or empires, or peoples but through language. This seemed like such an interesting idea that I decided to give it a try. After two years of intense research, this series is the result. I was also reminded again of the vast and largely unknown cultural riches that surround us. My experience and I hope my lectures reflect the value of Ostler's thesis.
Click on an image below to hear the lecture and download the lecture handout. Additionally, bonus course material for each lecture will become available over the next year or so.
The first in the Languages and Literatures lecture series, this lecture presents the history and development of Cuneiform; the oldest known style of writing. Explores Sumerian, Babylonian and Akkadian literature and civilizations. Presented at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil, Ph.D.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Egyptian Civilization and Hieroglyphics
The second lecture in the Languages and Literatures lecture series presented by Wesley Cecil PhD at Peninsula College. This lecture explores the 3,000 year history of Egypt, focusing on the development of Hieroglyphics and the lasting influence of Egyptian ideas. NOTE: In the lecture I erroneously state that Jean-François Champollion was in Egypt with Napoleon. He did not go to Egypt until a later archaeological expedition. This is what happens when you lecture without notes.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Sanskrit and Indian Civilization
The third in the Languages and Literatures lecture series presented by Wesley Cecil, Ph.D. at Peninsula College. This lecture focuses on the still thriving tradition of Sanskrit, its development and widespread influence.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Chinese Language and Civilization
A lecture by Wesley Cecil PhD delivered at Peninsula College. I explore the incredible history of Chinese civilization and language and the current cultural challenges in China.
Two Notes: I referred to the age of Old Testament texts early in the lecture - I meant New Testament texts. The earliest NT texts date from around 200 AD most are later.
The Tale of the Marshes or Water Margins was set in the Song Dynasty. This is what happens when you have so many dates and names and you lecture without notes.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
greek language and civilization
A lecture delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil, PhD. The lecture covers the origins, development, and influence of the Greek language and related civilization.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
French Language and Literature
A lecture given at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil PhD as part of the Languages and Literatures series. This lecture reviews the origins, development and continuing influence of French and French culture.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Persian Language and Literature
A lecture on the history and development of the Persian language and associated literature. Delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil PhD.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Arabic Language and Civilization
A lecture by Wesley Cecil PhD. exploring the origins, development and influence of Arabic. Delivered at Peninsula College.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Russian Language, Literature and Civilization
A lecture delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil. This lecture covers the origins and development of the Russian language and associated culture. Part of the Languages and Literatures series.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
German Language and Literature
A lecture on the history and development of the German language and culture. Part of the Languages and Literatures series delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil PhD. Covers the astonishing cultural coherence and influence of the German language and its influence on the modern world.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Spanish Language and Literature
A lecture delivered by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College on the development and influence of the Spanish language from the spread of the Indo-European language family to the present.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Mayan and Nahuatl
The eleventh Languages and Literatures lecture delivered by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College. This lecture explores the development and influence of ancient Mesoamerican civilizations.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Korean Language and Literature
A lecture by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College in the Languages and Literatures series. This lecture explores the history and development of the Korean language and culture.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Japanese Language and Literature
An exploration of the cultural and linguistic history of Japan. Part of the Languages and Literatures series presented by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
English Language and Literature
A lecture presented by Wesley Cecil PhD at Peninsula College exploring the history, development and influence of the English language.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Future of Language
A lecture delivered by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College. Part of the Language and Literatures series that explores the development, spread, and influence of a variety of languages.
Languages and Literatures Conclusion
The final lecture in the Languages and literature cycle that discusses some of the wider issues surrounding the nature of language. Delivered by Wesely Cecil PhD at Peninsula College.
I want to thank Peninsula College, the Peninsula College Foundation, and all of the folks who have attended and listened to these lectures over the last two years.
Click here to download the lecture handout.