Sir Francis Bacon
An exploration of Bacon's Novum Organum one of the most influential works in the history of philosophy.
A consideration of the intellectual and cultural impact of the work of Newton. His amazing scientific achievements underwrote the development of what is likely the dominant view of the natural world today.
John Locke
A brief overview of the central ideas of John Locke a key thinker for the Enlightenment, Empiricsim and Liberalism.
David Hume
An introduction to the thought of David Hume one of the most important British philosophers and central figure in Empiricism. Heavily influenced by Bacon and Locke but particularly by Newton.
Adam smith
This is a review of the philosophy of Adam Smith within the context of the 18th century and the Scotish Enlightenment.
Thomas Hobbes
An exploration of the thought of Thomas Hobbes. He was a unique thinker who has influenced our conception of human society and the notion that people are fundamentally dangerous.