One of the most difficult intellectual challenges is to gain insight into the assumptions that ground one's own culture. Our lives are shaped in innumerable ways by attitudes and ideas that are never precisely articulated because they are just assumed - not questioning them is the whole point. While not comprehensive, this series is an attempt to think about some of the too often invisible myths that shape the American worldview.
Click on an image below to hear the lecture and download the lecture handout. Additional course material for each lecture will be available for each lecture over the next year or so.
The first lecture in my new series: "Myths of the Modern American Mind." This lecture explores the origins, development and influence of commonly held, but often factually suspect, American beliefs. This lecture was delivered at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil, PhD.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
This lecture, presented by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College, explores the way science has shaped our thinking and led to the peculiar and peculiarly misleading take on the world called "scientism".
Click here to download the lecture handout.
money part I
The third lecture in the "Myths of the Modern American Mind" series focuses on the history and meaning of money. Presented by Wesley Cecil PhD at Peninsula College.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
Money Part II
Wes Cecil presents the second half of the Money lecture in his Myths of the Modern American Mind. This lecture explores the the psychological and emotional influence money has on our lives and the unique historical background of America that contributes to our emphasis on money in our culture.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
The fourth lecture in Wesley Cecil's American Mind series focuses on the origins and influence of the concept of Race in America. This lecture was delivered at Peninsula College.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
The Sixth Lecture in the series by Wesley Cecil PhD. explores the history, development and influence of America's peculiar relationship with religion.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
A lecture by Wesley Cecil PhD. delivered at Peninsula College. This lecture explores the power and problems associated with education and institutions throughout history and in America today. The sixth lecture in the Myths of the Modern American mind series.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
A lecture by Wesley Cecil PhD. delivered at Peninsula College. This talk explores the history and influence of the idea of American Exceptionalism on the American world view.
Click here to download the lecture handout.
The final essay in the Myths of the American Mind series exploring some of the underlying aspects of American worldview. Delivered by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College.
Click here to download the lecture handout.