Be the weight, weigher and scale
This project grew from my desire to create a new opportunity for people to participate in the great thoughts and art of which we are the inheritors. I believe we can enhance our knowledge, wisdom and joy by increasing our understanding of the significant works of the past. I hope you will join me on this adventure.
This website is a response to many requests I have received concerning my lectures. I hope to organize my disparate work from the last twenty years in a way that makes them easy to access. I will also be adding new lectures, classes and other material related to my work. I hope this site makes my lectures and other works available to more people and provides them with inspiration and joy.”
— Wes Cecil, PhD
Wes Cecil is,
as I have said before, a remarkable, funny, passionate lecturer, a massively helpful Virgil in the Land
of the Philosophical Shades.
— Numéro Cinq Magazine